Jiaogulan Loose Leaf Tea - Gynostemma pentaphyllum

Naturally Thai


Jiaogulan Loose Leaf Tea - Gynostemma pentaphyllum

100% Natural herbal tea. No Extracts. No Chemicals. No Sugar.

Jiaogulan tea is just pure 100% natural herb loose leaf tea - with ALL the nutrients still there. Nothing removed. This means the body recognizes it as a natural food and can digest it properly and utilize ALL the useful nutrients to maximum effect. This is how Jiaogulan has been drunk - very effectively - in Thai traditional medicine for a long time. It will be just as effective for you.

Jiaogulan is a climbing plant in the cucumber family. It grows naturally in parts of SE China and in Myanmar, Laos and Thailand. It is often referred to as a “Super Herb” as it probably has the widest range of health benefits of any plant in the world. In China, it is called the “herb of immortality” because of its many health giving benefits and anti-aging effects.

Jiaogulan is regarded as one of the best and most powerful adaptogenic herbs in the world as it contains a high content and wide variety of beneficial plant chemicals, especially saponins, polysaccharides, flavones, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. As an adaptogen, it can regulate Nitric Oxide in the body and balance a number of different body systems, but especially the cardiovascular system, immune system and hormone and reproductive systems. Jiaogulan has all the same plant chemicals as the well-known Ginseng plus many, many more

Nitric Oxide is essential for the proper functioning of all major body systems. It enhances blood flow by dilating blood vessels, dissolving arterial plaques, and aiding in tissue recovery and regeneration. It helps brain nerve cells to communicate with each other and is involved in their development and regeneration. It also plays an important role in the fight against invading bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Nitric Oxide is very important for good male erectile function and sexual performance for both men and women.

Benefits of Jiaogulan

Blood Pressure and Heart Health

Many studies have shown that Jiaogulan has the remarkable ability to balance Nitric Oxide in the body. It can stimulate the production of Nitric Oxide (NO) when your body produces too little or limit its production when there is too much. Jiaogulan can therefore have a powerful effect to lower blood pressure by relaxing the walls of blood vessels and by dissolving arterial plaque.

Jiaogulan is also very beneficial for the heart by improving the pumping action giving improved endurance during physical activity and a quicker recovery after exertion or exercise. It is also very beneficial for reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke by inhibiting the formation of blood clots and by helping to dissolve arterial plaque that restricts blood flow to the heart.

Sexual Performance

By boosting Nitric Oxide when sexually aroused, Jiaogulan can help to improve male erectile function for sexual intercourse by increasing the amount of blood flowing into the penis and allowing harder and longer-lasting erections. It can improve sexual performance and increase sexual sensations for both men and women.

Anti Aging

Jiaogulan slows down aging from the inside out. It has a rejuvenating and healing effect on all organs and major systems due to its unique ability to neutralize the free-radicals that damage and age your body by boosting production of the two of the most important antioxidants: superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione.

Liver Function, Weight Loss and Cholesterol

Jiaogulan can help to reduce weight by improving liver function to make more sugars available to the muscles for energy production rather than the formation of triglycerides which are stored by the body as fat. Many studies show Jiaogulan can lower LDL which is the "bad" cholesterol and raise the HDL which is the "good" cholesterol thus generally regulating the body as an adaptogen.

Blood Sugar and Diabetes

Jiaogulan can regulate the production of insulin for better control of blood sugar and may be of help to reduce the risk of developing insulin resistance and diabetes or help to improve the condition of people with diabetes already

Athletic Performance

Jiaogulan is able to increase athletic performance in a number of ways, including regulating Nitric Oxide, improving heart function efficiency and its powerful antioxidant activity. Since one of the main functions of Nitric Oxide is to widen the arteries, it has the effect of increasing blood circulation throughout the body. This provides more of the oxygen and glucose the muscles need to be able to work at peak levels longer, improving stamina and energy levels. Jiaogulan also improves the efficiency of the pumping action of the heart, so that it doesn’t work as hard to produce the same amount of blood flow. Again, more oxygen and nutrients reach the muscles and performance is improved.

Assist Cancer Treatment

Jiaogulan may be very beneficial for anyone undergoing radiation or chemotherapy as it could provide a significant boost to the body's immune system. Jiaogulan may help to reduce some of the serious side-effects. Several studies in China have shown that recovery rates for those who eat or drink Jiaogulan regularly are significantly better than for those who do not.

Summary of Benefits of Jiaogulan

·       Powerful Anti-Aging effect
·       Regulates Nitric Oxide in the body
·       Better erectile function for men
·       Enhances sexual performance
·       Lowers blood pressure
·       Improves heart function
·       Boosts Immune system
·       Improves liver function – lower LDL and higher HDL cholesterol
·       Powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant
·       Enhances athletic performance
·       Reduces blood sugar
·       Assists cancer treatments – reduce bad effects of chemo-therapy


Allow 1 teaspoon of Jiaogulan leaves per person.

Add hot water to leaves in a cup or teapot and leave to steep for a few minutes and drink.

You can add more water to the Jiaogulan leaves 2 or 3 times.

Jiaogulan and Butea superba work very well together to enhance male sexual performance